There is nothing like the utmost satisfaction of finishing a chapter. When you plan on writing a novel, which could be anywhere between 200 some to 800 some or more pages, chapters are the steppingstones that climb up to the very tippity-top to reach the ultimate goal – a completed manuscript. Chapters also make writing a lot less intimidating. A goal of twenty pages isn’t as frightening to look at than lets say 600 or so pages.

So far during my journey the writing is going a bit slow due to the fact that I’m going to school full time and my teachers love to gang up on me with assignments, however I’m doing my damned-est to write every single day. Since I started my 1-year writing project I have written two whole chapters. Despite the fact that my chapters are merely 8-10 pages long, at least that is two chapters more towards the finish line.

Chapters can also be however long you want them to be. I have chapters that are over twenty pages long and some that are a mere five. Chapters are little small stories that make up one big long story, like a sitcom during prime time television. There are also chapters in life. Some that we nostalgically crave to repeat and some we wish it would end as quickly as possible. But as in life chapters must end so a new one can begin. When should you end a chapter? That’s for you to decide my friends.

3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Well this writing chapter is not over my friend, keep up the good work!! :o) Bobbi

  2. Anonymous Says:

    How's the writing going woman?? Bobbi :o)

  3. You're so right about chapters, they're like milestones when you write. Even when I read I try to finish a chaper before setting it down. And I think all chapters should leave you needing to know what happens in the next one. Of course, that sucks for the reader if they don't have time to read more right then!

    Keep at it girl!