First night was a complete success. After making it past the mumble jumble I left myself, reasons of leaving my book left unattended, I got back on track. Whether it was the same path I took last time I was writing a few months back, who’s to say. Remember always write your ideas and thoughts down on where you want to lead your characters next. Sheesh I learned my lesson.
I spent two hours with my story last night, which for me is not too shabby considering that I go to graduate school full time, have a seven year old son, and just moved into a new place and yet still have boxes piled up in corners. For today the plan is to flip back and forth between my story and school. Somehow this has worked for me in the past. Whenever I get stuck inside a chapter and can’t find my way out I take the time out to brainstorm. Painting is an excellent way to build up your creativity for writing. Heck I’m being creative using a brush so why wouldn’t it work for brainstorming. Did I mention I go to school for Fine Art?
Killing two birds with one stone is the key into finishing my story by my preset deadline. It’s the only way I’ll be able to establish this. School comes first however if I keep pushing my book off to the side because of using school for an excuse I’ll never get around to it. Remember writing is supposed to be fun. It’s exciting, adventurous and a stress reliever – well for me it is anyway.
I can’t wait to dive right back into my story this morning. And yes, that is where I will be after I drop my son off of school this morning. Between my landscape class and my characters from a far away land I’ve decided not yet to reveal except for the exceptional few, you know who you are, it’s bound to be a very fulfilling day for creativity.
I love the site!! Very cute :o) I can't wait to read the finished product!!!!!!!