When writing a novel, that’s usually a good thing. The night before and this morning at my usual hotspot where I love to write when I’m away from my home office, I was completely blown away about how my main character ended up in such a predicament. I have no idea how it happen but I’m very excited to see how he gets himself out of this jam that I subconsciously placed him into.

It’s one of those moments that you just can’t stop writing. But unfortunately I’m on a tight schedule and had to stop in the middle of a mini climax, ugh. Not good in any situation let me just say, right, lol. Okay I need to get my head out of the gutter.

Perhaps the idea was brought on by guilt. I skipped a night of writing. I felt so guilty that somehow somewhere in the deepest darkest trenches I pulled an idea out of my ass and just went with it. And what can I say. I’m loving where this story is going. It’s taken a completely different twist when I wrote my dribble of a first draft. Actually I don’t even want to call it a first draft because it is such a shameful piece of crap that I spewed out just so I could say I wrote a first draft. I didn’t think much about the rewriting, revision, editing process. I wasn’t even developing complete sentences. I’m not even sure its even legible to tell you the truth therefore from now on I’m going to call this my first draft and my last one a disaster.

It’s a thrilling part of the writing process when your characters surprise you. Although you invented them, they somehow take on a life of their own – sort of like giving birth. I can’t wait to find out what happens tomorrow or if I have time perhaps tonight. I can only hope I’ll have some free time left over from my busy day to spend the night with my amazing friends.
4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'm glad you like where the story is going. Twists are great!! - Bobbi :o)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    AHA! It should work now!

    I know exactly what you're talking about with the characters! It's awesome when they take on their own role within the pages.

    Glad to have you back! =D

  3. Unknown Says:

    I am having HORRIBLE writer's block, so your post is serving of a reminder of how great it feels to be in the zone. I'll be back there soon : )

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Hey woman, how's the writing going??? No new posts :o( Bobbi