It’s easy to get carried away when you get way too involved with your characters. You love them and want to share to the world every little detail that you can possibly conjure up in that little creative noodle of yours about who they are, what they are doing etcetera…etcetera…etcetera. However, being an avid reader myself, when a writer begins to ramble on about the main character’s every ache and pain, don’t you wish they would just cut to the chase already.
As a writer this can be difficult to some or perhaps many of us. I think I’ve come to the point of my story where I need to start summarizing more and less spewing every itsy bitsy intricate detail till I have over a hundred pages of pure Snoozeville.
Remember in certain circumstances - less is more!
As a writer this can be difficult to some or perhaps many of us. I think I’ve come to the point of my story where I need to start summarizing more and less spewing every itsy bitsy intricate detail till I have over a hundred pages of pure Snoozeville.
Remember in certain circumstances - less is more!
Your post made me think about the times I have just sat down on the couch and put myself into my characters, almost like a daydream. I found that it really helped my writing; since I KNEW every single detail, I didn't feel compelled to WRITE every single detail. I think it really made my writing stronger : )