After weeks of negligence I finally finished Chapter 19 and made it to Chapter 20 of TBO last night. TBO– initials for the few who know their true meaning. Am I getting any closer to the finish? Hell no! I keep adding, adding and adding. The plot yet thickens again. I’ve taken my dear sweet characters on such a rocky ride I’m not even sure what is going to happen next. I’m excited to find out though especially in the next month or so. My finals finished on Saturday and I have over an entire month to dedicate myself to my novel. Yeahhhh!!!! The joy, especially around the holiday season, to be able to hang with my old friends again is such a real treat.
When you have homework piling in corners of your house, boxes that need to be sorted and emptied out after a recent move, and a seven year old son who needs tending to on a daily basis when do you find the time to write. Sheesh! That is a question I’ve been having the most difficulty resolving these past few weeks. Regardless of my recent deadline I appointed myself I haven’t written anything in weeks except for today. Finally, I opened my story up this morning and began to type away. That’s right – a break through! Woo hoo!
I couldn’t stop thinking about my story last night that I absolutely had to put all other matters on hold and type away at my very neglected chapter. And to my surprise I instantly fell back in love. Honestly I don’t care if anyone else doesn’t understand or love my story because I love it. I’ve already considered the fact that its going to be put on hold again due to finals however I didn’t want it to sit untouched for too long before my break hits in the middle of this month. I’m looking forward to spending my days filled with my characters, my Apple Pro and me.