
What made me decide to work on this 365-day project was because the 1st of November is tomorrow. After a fun filled night of ghosts and goblins with my 7 year old son, I will spend my morning with a grande cup of Earl Gray and my Apple Pro Book typing away at a story that I haven’t spend months on. The reason I decided towards an entire year on this project is because I realized that my novel is not going to be one of those 300 page starters. It’s one of those books that will pack on a heavy burden to an old bookcase with over 500 + pages. Besides a year just sounds good.

Back to National Novel Writing Month– for all of you aspiring and diligent writers out there November is the month to do it. Check out this website: If this won’t give you that extra nudge you’ve been asking for nothing else will.

So there we have it. This is my year to shine. I know it’s going to be a tough one. I’m asking for as much inspiration and motivation I can find out there to keep me going on this project. There are going to be moments when I’m asking myself, why I’m I doing this and other moments when I will give up all around because of doubt towards both my writing and my story however quitters never made it towards publishing and I’ve been a quitter for far too long.